Ivy Cottage is a large home located in a quiet area of West Sussex. The home is close to local facilities and road and rail networks. The home is within easy reach of Littlehampton, Chichester, Brighton and Worthing and access to all amenities in these towns, for example stables, leisure centres, cinemas, library and shopping centres. Ivy Cottage is accessible from the A24 and A27.
Ivy Cottage accommodates four young people and has four large young people’s bedrooms which are decorated and furnished to a high standard. Each bedroom is personalised to meet each child’s individual needs. There are facilities for three staff members to sleep in to look after the children and three staff rooms are available. The home has a large fully fitted kitchen, lounge and separate dining room that the children have access to at all times. These rooms are furnished to meet needs of the children and are decorated in a style chosen by the young people. The home has a bathroom for the children on the first floor and a separate toilet on the ground floor. There is a staff bathroom located on the first floor. Door alarm systems are fitted in the home; however, it is risk assessed per child in co-ordination with the social worker. Young people accommodated here attend My Choice School in Arundel.

Unit 3a Mill Green Business Estate Mill Green Road, Hayward’s Heath West Sussex, RH16 1XQ
01444 446920 enquiries@my-choice-homes.com