Emergency Placements
In addition to planned referrals, we will consider emergency placements if that young person is viewed as appropriate for the home and the mix of existing residents.
Arrangements are then made with the social worker to collect the young person, a member of My Choice team is available if appropriate.
The procedures for admissions are as follows:
Directors and the Operations Manager accept referrals via email or phone calls to head office. a.hyland@my-choice-homes.com or d.ives@my-choice-homes.com or d.woodgate@my-choice-homes.com
Initial phone consultation and information shared between professionals and via email.
The Senior Manager at My Choice coordinating the referral will request detailed written information for example referral form from the local authority.
If the referral is assessed as appropriate the information is then shared with the Manager of the home where the vacancy is based.
Homes Manager and the Senior Manager from head office agree if the placement is suitable and the outcome is then feedback to the local authority. This process is within the same day of the referral.
Providers Response
Detailed providers response form is completed by the Senior Manager at My Choice and emailed to the local authority, outlining the provision and how the home will ensure the young persons needs are met.
Confirmation is then received from the local authority clarifying placement.
My Choice Visit
The plan at this stage is then to agree for a member of My Choice team to visit the young person. This is part of their admission plan.
Young Person Visit
If appropriate or instead of, we then arrange for the young person to visit the home.
Risk Assessments
The Manager and staff at the home will then complete risk assessments, initial strategies and 24 hour management program. This is supported by the Manager, social worker and individuals at the young persons current placement liaising to ensure the most up to date information is recorded and assessed.
That information is disseminated through to the staff team and teaching staff to ensure they are fully prepared.
The current young people at the home are informed and given appropriate information.
During this period and following meeting the young person prior to placement, their personal choices are reflected in their new bedroom. It is redecorated and can include poster, pictures and magazines of their choice. The room is furnished to a high standard. We also provide a Welcome Pack, which includes, Young Person Guide, toiletries, towels, books etc.
A keyworker is then assigned to the young person and the the Clear Care file is activated.
Placement Planning
Finally the placement planning meeting is arranged at the home.
Unit 3a Mill Green Business Estate Mill Green Road, Hayward’s Heath West Sussex, RH16 1XQ
01444 446920 enquiries@my-choice-homes.com